The difference is experience. R. Scott Lewis PE, PC has been engineering commercial signs for twenty five years. We’re known for workable designs that help streamline fabrication, hanging, and maintenance. Our commercial success is on display from Boston to Miami, D.C. to Denver. We’ve engineered street-level signs, 20’ letters at the top of buildings 800’ high, and most everything in between

We’ve also been around long enough to see things change. Neon, to fluorescent and LED. Materials that can do more for less. New ideas for mounting signs for higher impact. Exotic designs that present new structural challenges. We’ve addressed these situations and more. R. Scott Lewis engineers meet with building engineers and contractors to ensure your project hits the mark. Inspections along the way contribute to a signature, high-quality R. Scott Lewis product.

Take a look at some of our commercial signs at work. Like what you see? Contact us!


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